Tips to Help Your Nail Polish Dry Faster

Tips to Help Your Nail Polish Dry Faster

Slow drying nail polish is the bane of the existence of any beauty lover. One of the worst feelings in the world is ruining your freshly applied manicure because you haven't had enough time to wait for it to dry completely. Most people with a hectic modern schedule simply don't have the time to wait half an hour or more for their nail polish to dry before continuing their day. Fortunately, there are easy ways to end the misery of the slow-drying nail polish. Read on to discover seven tips help your nail polish dry faster To speed up the drying process of your manicure and avoid wasting time drying your nails.

1. Dip your nails in ice water

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


If you dip your fingertips in a bowl of ice water immediately after applying the nail polish, the cold water will help tighten the nail polish and let it dry almost immediately.

Keep your nails in the ice water for at least five minutes so that the cold water has enough time to absorb it in your nail polish and dry it sufficiently. Make sure you use a bowl that is deep enough so that you can completely immerse your nails in the water with both hands without hitting your nails at the bottom of the bowl and possibly damaging them.

2. Use a hair dryer

Every beauty lover has a hair dryer in the bathroom. A good use for your hair dryer if you don't dry your hair is to dry your nails!

Immediately after applying your nail polish, turn a hair dryer on your nails and blow your varnish with air for a minute or two until your manicure is completely dry. Keep the hair dryer on its cool setting to prevent your skin from burning or melting your polish. Also use caution when using the dryer to prevent you from indenting your polish on both hands before it dries.

3. Try a quick drying spray

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


There are many spray products that are said to speed up the drying process of your nail polish. While many of these sprays turn out to be quite ineffective, the drip dry drops spray from the popular nail polish company OPI actually works very well.

Spray a generous amount of the Drip Dry Drops product directly onto your nails after you've polished them and let it set and dry for about 60 seconds. Don't expect the spray to dry your nails immediately to a hard finish. However, the spray gives your nails a slippery, film-like layer that prevents nicks and stains while drying and helps them dry faster.

4. Paint in thin layers

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


If you apply nail polish in several thick layers, drying will take forever. It also comes off much faster and easier.

Instead, paint your nails with several very thin layers of polish. It takes just a minute or two to dry each layer. Don't worry if the first or second coat of polish is not completely opaque. Add more (very thin) layers until the polish has reached the desired opacity.

5. Dip your nails in baby oil

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


If you have baby oil on hand in your home, try this trick to quickly dry your polish and moisturize and care for your skin.

After applying your nail polish, fill a bowl with baby oil and put your hands in it to make sure your nails are completely immersed in the oil. Keep your fingers in the oil for at least two minutes. When you pull it out, your nail polish is dry and the skin on your hands feels good – as soft as a baby's.

6. Spray your nails with cooking oil

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


If you want your nails to dry quickly, just spray them with cooking oil. You can use olive oil, rapeseed oil, or even coconut oil as long as it's contained in an aerosol spray can formula.

After you have applied your nails clearly, spray them with plenty of non-stick cooking oil. Let the oil sit on your nails for about two minutes. Then wash it off and enjoy your fresh, quick-drying nails.

7. Apply a separate top coat

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster


If you apply nail polish for the next day before bed, you will likely wake up with telltale marks and dents in your polish.

A good way to fix this problem is to apply a separate clear coat before going to work or on a special occasion the next day. Apply your polish color the night before and don't worry about whether your sheets dent the polish during the night. If you apply a clear topcoat in the morning, nobody can say that.

If your nail polish dries too slowly, don't worry. Use the tips in this post to learn how to do it help your nail polish dry faster to eliminate the challenge of bad smears and stains in your freshly applied polish once and for all.

7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster7 tips to dry your nail polish faster

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