Tips For Nailing The Fishtail Braid

Tips For Nailing The Fishtail Braid

pigtails have always been popular, but their popularity seems to have doubled recently. Everyone you know either has their hair in a braid, knows how to braid, or talks about braiding as if it were the easiest thing in the world. With some first-hand experience, braiding is not that easy, and sometimes it feels like you need someone else to hold your hair. However, Braid fishtail is one of the simplest types of braids you can do after you understand the basics, and one that can make your bad hair day a great hair day.

5 tips for nailing the fishtail braid


Here you will find a clear and detailed tutorial.

One of the biggest mistakes before making braided hairstyles is that you don't have a good hair tutorial. If you are a beginner Fishtail braidYou need someone to explain everything to you step by step and guide you through the process, not someone who assumes that you know what you are doing. Videos are usually easier to follow than pictures or just written instructions. So here is a video that is fairly easy to follow and consistently contains instructions to help.

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The Luxy Hair Channel offers many different hairstyle videos, but this classic fishtail braid is very simple. It simply explains the instructions and shows a simplified version that can be worn daily instead of a long and lengthy tutorial that could confuse some people.

First, try creating a ponytail

This trick always helps me when I have problems. If you feel overwhelmed trying to braid with just cut hair, put it in a ponytail. It is helpful if you need to split your hair in two and are all in one place in case you miss a section or something. Using a ponytail will also help if you are doing a side braid because if you have long enough hair it will sit on your shoulder.

Work out! Work out! Work out!

One of the biggest mistakes that braiders make is simply giving up. While it may be frustrating at first, never give up on it. If you really want to make the braid, you have to be determined to make a fishtail braid and tell yourself that you can. If you're too frustrated, a break is imperative as you don't want to pull your hair out just because your braid isn't working.

Fake it until you make it

Don't worry if you can't get fishtail braid right now. There are ways to get around how you traditionally make a fishtail braid, but it really only works if you have longer hair or if you use hair extensions. Another alternative to a normal fishtail braid is a chunkier, inverted fishtail braid, which is basically similar to a Dutch fishtail braid.

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The "Faux Fishtail Braid" is probably the easier of the two if you just can't lift the steps. Similar to the normal fishtail braid, you only need a brush and elastic ties. However, make sure you have a lot of elastic ties as you'll need some for this look. It also gives clear and step-by-step instructions that make recovery easier.

The second video shows an inverted, chunky fishtail braid. This fishtail braid is pretty much the opposite of a normal fishtail braid. Instead of taking sections from the front and moving them to the other side, take them from the back and move them to the other side. Some may find this method easier than the normal fishtail braid.

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Hopefully, these tips have helped you reach the fishtail braid, and if not, hopefully the last two videos will also have helped you. When you reach one or even all of these braids at the end, make sure you pancake and massage it so that it looks bigger and more voluminous. Have fun braiding!

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