Puschen for ladies

Puschen for ladies

The word pushing is a regionally used term for the shoe category slippers and covers depending on the region Heel slippers or slippers without heels. Especially in the northern parts of Germany, the term pushing is widespread and is becoming a synonym for the words Slippers, slippers, slippers or slippers second hand. Slippers are offered for women, men and children as well as for babies and young people and are therefore available in all standard shoe sizes. Next Unisex models There are also pairs that are specifically tailored to the anatomical characteristics of men or women, such as: B. a narrower or wider cut.

Puschen – slippers with tradition

The term slipping probably comes from the Persian word for shoes and describes all shoes that are intended to be worn in your own home. Socks are different sometimes very soft shoes that they must have a sole to be included in the slipper category.

The wearing of slippers has been practiced since ancient times. At that time it was mostly wool shoes knitted by myself were and have parallels in their shape to today’s popular shoe shoe model. Not only in Europe, but also in Asia, the use of slippers is an old tradition that has been maintained to this day. In contrast to the European area, in some Asian countries such as Japan but two types of impact There are slippers for the interior of the house and a second pair that is only worn when entering the bathroom or when using the toilet.

Buying a push is of course a matter of taste. Depending on the age and gender of the buyer, there are different models and types in stores Different materials,

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