Nail Tutorials for the ‘Catching Fire’

Nail Tutorials for the ‘Catching Fire’ Look

I just saw the Hunger Games II movie "Catching Fire" and I'm so excited about the fabulous nail art there! (And the spectacular visual effects, the tension and justice everything about that!)

Catch fire nail polish

Catch fire nail polish

So I'm going to wear the amazing new nail look that you can see in the video below.

But if you prefer direct, step-by-step instructions, read on!

How to get "Catching Fire" nails

You need:

  • A little makeup sponge
  • basecoat
  • Red nail polish
  • Orange nail polish
  • Gold glitter nail polish
  • Black sharpie pen (or another fine-tipped pen)
  • topcoat

Step by step

  1. If necessary, prepare your nails with a ridge filler and then with a good base coat.
  2. To create the red and orange ombre base, paint red and orange side by side on a hard surface, like a piece of old plastic or something else that doesn't matter.
  3. Then take a small makeup sponge and gently press it onto the red-orange nail polish.
  4. Apply that directly to your nails and apply the sponge to achieve the two-tone red and orange effect.
  5. Don't worry about getting nail polish on your skin. Simply take a cotton swab, dip it in a nail polish remover, and clean the area around the nails while waiting for your nails to dry.
  6. Then use a Sharpie marker to draw freehand on the design. This is a lot easier than any other method! Even the Jay Bird is simple and the video also shows how to do it.
  7. When your ink designs are completely dry, add a few dabs of gold glitter nail polish.
  8. And then all you have to do is apply the top coat to seal your fantastic “Catching Fire” nail art design!

And see all of two in action More "Catching Fire" fans, watch this fabulous video demonstration!

CATCHING FIRE Nail Tutorial – Super Easy (Ghetto Tips & Tricks)

httpv: //

And if you love the flaming fire look, here's another video that shows how easy it is with just a paper clip and some nail polish!


httpv: //

I can only recommend the film that inspired today's nail tutorial. So if you haven't seen him yet, go as soon as possible! Even in the IMDB, the current vote count is 8.2 out of 10, which makes it a 4-star movie, and I'm sure the score will increase as more people watch it and add their votes.

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