Mary Jane pumps for women

Mary Jane pumps for women

A trend is conquering the fashion and shoe world. Vintage is “in”. The good old days have left their mark and have been found today in the form of classic cuts, large patterns, but also very special shoes once again. The Mary Jane Pumps belong to these shoes. The elegant women’s shoes Score points with a straight line and small, playful details. They are feminine and stylish but still have a girlish side to them.

Mary Jane – the shoes with the buckle

Mary Jane pumps are usually instantly recognizable, even if they are in many different versions gives. Nevertheless, they all have one thing in common: the buckle and the straps. A strap runs over the foot, which is a real eye-catcher.

In order for the Mary Janes to become pumps, they must have one small paragraph to have. Today there are also a large number of different models that have significantly higher heels. The width of the heel does not matter, it can be narrow, but also a little wider. Only a platform heel does not fit these shoes.

Did you know the Mary Janes in the 1960s Almost a little rebellion? Women actually didn’t wear shoes that visually emphasized their legs. However, that time ended with the popular Mary Jane pumps.

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