How to Pull Off a Septum Piercing

How to Pull Off a Septum Piercing

How to remove a septum piercing


Septum piercings are one of the most popular modern piercings. These piercings are very trendy and just as fat. Septum jewelry definitely stands out from your facial features and gives your look a permanent eye-catching statement. It takes a certain amount of courage and the willingness to take fashion risks to pull the trigger on a daring piercing like a septum piercing.

These piercings don't have to be as scary as it seems. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to have specific aesthetic or specific facial qualities to rock a septum piercing. Read on to learn how to pierce a septum safely and intelligently, no matter who you are, what you look like, or what you wear.

1. Get the right size

How to remove a septum piercing


Septum piercings are definitely not one size. Septum jewelry is available in many different sizes with a wide diameter range from 8 mm to 18 mm (for circular jewelry). Pay attention to the width of your nose and the size of the space between the bottom of your nose and the top of your lip to determine whether a smaller or larger size is best for you. Most experienced piercers know how to advise you on what size jewelry to wear, but you should also know how to estimate your size yourself.

Also consider the style of the jewelry you choose in terms of the size and shape of your face. If you have smaller, more sensitive features, stay away from bold, colorful pieces of jewelry adorned with jewels or dangling accessories. Instead, stick to more subtle, smaller, U-shaped or circular metal jewelry. If you have a bigger face with stronger facial features, choose bolder, ornate septum jewelry that stands out.

2. Be picky with your jewelry

How to remove a septum piercing


It is impossible to remove a septum piercing if it is constantly red and irritated. If you notice recurring itching, redness, swelling, or other symptoms after the initial healing process of your piercing, you may have a mild allergic reaction to your septum jewelry.

If possible, your septum jewelry should be made of titanium. Titanium is the safest metal for piercings and is the least likely to develop an infection. If you are piercing your septum for the first time, always request titanium jewelry. The titanium prevents initial infection and irritation when your piercing is new and sensitive. If titanium is not available, surgical stainless steel is a good backup option. Avoid sterling silver and plated metal that tarnish easily and promote bacterial growth that can lead to infection.

3. Consider your other piercings

How to remove a septum piercing


There is a fine line between rocking piercings as fashion accessories and the look of being adorned with more jewelry than skin. You don't want the excess metal embedded in your face to be the first thing people notice about you.

Since septum piercings are one of the largest and most obvious facial piercings, they can be uncomfortable if you combine them with too much other jewelry in the same region. Keep other piercings on the face to a minimum and let your septum shine as the main focus of your look.

4. Prepare for the pain

How to remove a septum piercing


Septum piercings are painful, which is a major reason that they are not for everyone. Before you puncture your septum, you should know that it hurts both during and after the first puncture.

Many people who are not prepared for the pain of a septum piercing remove their jewelry prematurely. Unfortunately, this can lead to permanent skin damage and scars. Don't freak out if your piercing hurts a few weeks after it heals. This is a natural part of your body's healing process. Just follow your follow-up routine religiously and know that the pain will finally go away at some point.

5. Stay up to date with aftercare

How to remove a septum piercing


An infected septum piercing will not win a style of the year. If you take good care of your septum piercing in the long term, you can avoid nasty infections that lead to redness, scars, swelling, pus and other unsightly, painful symptoms. A common mistake that many people make after a septum piercing or piercing is that they fall off their aftercare car too soon.

If your piercing is new and painful, you can easily remember to keep up with regular cleaning. It is more difficult to resist aftercare if your piercing has healed so it doesn't hurt anymore. However, your septum piercing will not heal completely, even if it no longer hurts and is no longer red or swollen. Septum piercings take an average of eight months to heal completely. Stay vigilant with your aftercare during these eight months to keep your piercing site clean and infection-free.

6. Customize your style

How to remove a septum piercing


You should choose the septum jewelry you wear based on your existing style. If you focus on keeping your style and your septum jewelry in sync, you can choose jewelry that matches the clothing and accessories you wear every day. Wearing septum jewelry that matches your normal look will help your everyday outfits look slimmer and more compound.

If your style is more subtle and understated, choose thin, delicate jewelry that doesn't interfere with the simplicity of your everyday outfits. If, on the other hand, you are interested in colorful, structured statement clothing and accessories, opt for bold septum jewelry that can keep up with your other eye-catching pieces in your look.

7. Learn to hide it

How to remove a septum piercing


With a piercing that is as bright as a septum, you are inevitably in situations where you have to hide your septum jewelry. Whether you're going for an interview or family reunion at your ultra-conservative grandmother's house, it is helpful to know how to hide your piercing if the situation requires it.

If you learn how to effectively hide your septum jewelry, life with a septum piercing will be much less stressful. Hopefully you won't get into many situations where your septum piercing is not wanted. However, if you do this, you have several options for simply hiding your jewelry without running the risk of it closing. Try wearing a holder, a simple U-shaped jewelry that flips into your nose for easy hiding. The holders are available in both metal and clear glass. If necessary, you can also flip most other simple, standard U-shaped septum jewelry into your nose to instantly hide your piercing without a holder.

A septum piercing can be a fun and stylish addition to any look. If your look is boring and you want to spice it up, give your style a bold flair with a septum piercing that best suits you.

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