Hairstyle Tips for Prom

Hairstyle Tips for Prom

The prom is a major event for teenagers and it is important to ensure that every detail of your look is perfect, especially your prom hairstyle. Of course, you don't want to commit social suicide at school just because you made a bad decision for one night, right? More importantly, if you look back at your prom photos in a decade, you definitely want to be proud and not shameful.

Best prom hairstyles

Best prom hairstyle – from hairstyle idea

Here are some of the hottest trends you can make so that you can easily stand out from the crowd and become the star of the night!

Work on the curls

If you want to draw a little more attention to your face and hair than to your clothes, curly curls are a good choice. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that it's no longer the 80s and curly hair is gone!

Strutting in curls on the prom red carpet is an option best suited for medium-length and long hair. Using larger rollers would do the trick as it gives your hair body and volume. Forget about the rollers that create tighter curls. If your hair doesn't reach your shoulders, you can consider having the curls only at the tips. This will emphasize your femininity and ensure that your hair is stuck perfectly all night. For hair that is about shoulder length or longer, it is best to curl it up to the neck area. This way, your hair stays neat and styled even if you go dancing during the prom.

Neatly hidden

Who says it is a must to let your hair hang? Putting up the hair can still be very nifty and chic. The key is not to put too many accessories on your hair. Let the actual hairstyle be the accent and don't worry too much about wearing different clips, headbands and others.

If you choose the classic French version, make sure that it is not wrapped too tightly to achieve a cheeky yet elegant look. If you don't want to look too formal, you can opt for the carefully bundled curls with some loose ends. This means that the hair is generally hung up by needles, but there are some strands that come loose. This results in a softer, more feminine look.

Fabulous short hair

If you have short hair, don't immediately think that the prom will require some hair extensions! What you need to do is add a little volume and make sure each strand goes in the direction you want it to go. What's the secret? Just a hair dryer and a hairbrush. After washing and drying your hair, take a large hairbrush. Those with finer bristles would make the job easier. Then blow dry your hair starting from the roots while doing a circular motion inwards. After you're done, let it cool and add some hair product to keep it in shape.

With the right hairstyle for your prom, you would surely feel more comfortable enjoying the night. If you look back on your prom night in years, you will be proud of yourself. More beautiful hairstyles for the prom can be found on our website @

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