Evening dresses

Evening dresses

Evening dresses are chic and mostly unusual or extravagant dresses for women that are usually worn in the evening, for example at a ceremony or in the theater. Whether short or long, every evening dress has its own charm.

Classification of the evening dresses category

An evening dress exudes glamor and luxury – therefore it probably occupies a special place in the women’s wardrobe. Often it is only bought for a special occasion, not all of them are worn very often, and yet “she” takes an evening dress a little deeper into her pocket.

But what exactly is the unmistakable charm of evening dresses? They are absolutely not suitable for everyday use for good reason.

Special occasions for an evening dress

Evening dresses should simply fit into the festive, elegant ambience of typical evening events. They also fit into the frame

  • a festive gala
  • an anniversary
  • a concert or
  • last bullet

and give the wearer a moony, moody feeling, just a little star appeal. Every appearance becomes an appearance in an evening dress.

Evening dresses are usually presented in a long form, sometimes narrow or with a wide skirt.

Possible forms

The necklines vary from high-necked with a low back to shoulder-free, with either straps, long or short sleeves. With rather simple shapes, a leg slit can give exciting insights, on the other hand, wide waist bands or transparent inserts quickly become eye-catchers.

Always choose by type

The evening dress should correspond to the type and age of the wearer and put her physical characteristics in the right light. High school graduates at the school prom automatically choose different models than seniors at the opera ball.

Nevertheless, it must always be checked that some cuts do not appear too stale or too frivolous. As classic evening colors, sensual dark tones are still preferred, which look particularly beautiful in shimmering velvet or taffeta.

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