Designer jewelery

Designer jewelery

Designer jewelry can be found in the slightly more expensive price range of jewelry. Often the designers present their collections in elegant studios and galleries. The jewelry is handmade, so each piece is unique, which of course has a special charm for the wearer.

Classification of the designer jewelry category

Designer jewelry refers to all types of jewelry that come from the collections of well-known designers. As with ordinary jewelry, it can be used for both jewelry and jewelry

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Features of designer jewelry

Characteristic of this particular type of jewelry are primarily

  • the absolutely high quality and
  • the excellent processing of exclusive materials.

The price is set accordingly, as designer jewelry is usually extremely expensive and is certainly far out of reach for ordinary consumers. Up to tens of thousands of euros can be charged for jewelry from popular designer crafts.

For this reason, designer jewelry is considered exclusive, very noble and particularly luxurious. It is the perfect complement to even very expensive designer fashion and is therefore usually worn by well-heeled and many stars, which in turn brings advertising for the manufacturer.

These can either be designer fashion labels that sell clothing, as well as their own jewelry lines, as well as top brands that specialize in designer jewelry, including Cartier.

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