Bethany Cosentino Tattoos & Meanings

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos & Meanings

Best coasts Beth Cosentino's tattoos, guitarist, songwriter and singer, are interesting and original! There are currently 13 tattoos in Bethany Cosentino's tattoo collection and her favorite tattoo studio is in Los Angeles Alchemy Tattoo, Silver city.

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos -

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – "As if" word tattoo on wrist

You can instantly see a sense of humor in Bethany Cosentino tattoos in the word tattoo "As if" on the side of her left wrist.

It is a reaction to being called "Valley Girl" in the press, and the phrase "As If" is an ironic comment in the slang "Valley Girl". So she jokingly confirms that she is a "Valley Girl" (but only in the sense that she was born there!)

Here is Bethany Cosentino's latest tweet:

"Today I was branded forever as a nanny valley brat #clueless"

A "Valley Girl" is a fashion-obsessed teenage girl from a wealthy family in San Fernando Valley, California. One of the negative stereotypes is that Valley Girls rely on their parents for money instead of careers.

Bethany Cosentino's music

This stereotype does it Not describe Bethany Cosentino, who studied journalism and creative writing in New York and worked hard to be successful with her own songs as one half of the rock duo Best coast!

Cute little bird tattoo for women

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - fat bird on the right arm

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – fat bird on the right arm

High up on her right arm, Bethany Cosentino has an adorable "Fat Bird" tattoo, which is drawn as a simple black comic outline and has a small branch as a perch beneath it.

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – three crossed feathers tattoo for women

Bethany Cosentino tattoos - three crossed feathers

Bethany Cosentino tattoos – three crossed feathers

Under her right clavicle in front are Bethany Cosentino tattoos with three feathers tied at the ends, which are usually the Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity.

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - Flapper Cameo of the 1920s

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – Flapper Cameo of the 1920s

Here's a tattoo I've never seen before! It is a profile cameo of a high fashion flapper from the 1920s with cut hair, lipstick and a stylish cloche hat!

In the 1920s, young women for the first time refused to wear painful, "body-crushing" corsets with real whale bones sewn into them! The “flappers” were also the first women to cut their hair short, get office jobs and wear make-up – previously only worn by prostitutes.

So this particular tattoo by Bethany Cosentino seems to pay homage to the first feminists!

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – Cute little diamond finger tattoo for women

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - Cute little diamond tattoo

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – Cute little diamond tattoo

This black and gray diamond tattoo appeared in June 2012 among the other Bethany Cosentino tattoos based on her middle finger.

Bethany says that her "diamond" tattoo has no special meaning for her and she got it spontaneously when she and a friend were bored, so they went to a tattoo parlor.

It is also a humorous way to "pick up a diamond", which shows that you are not materialistic and are not interested in diamond rings and expensive jewels!

Back tattoo idea – cute little penguin tattoo for women

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - cute penguin on the back

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – cute penguin on the back

This cute picture of a penguin is the only one of Bethany Cosentino on her back and is on her right shoulder blade.

Arm tattoo designs

Bethany Cosentino tattoos - right arm

Bethany Cosentino tattoos – right arm

There are three more Bethany Cosentino tattoos and me on her inner left arm love the bilateral mermaid or Melusine, up!

According to legend, a melusine is half mermaid and half human and turns into a double-tailed mermaid every Saturday when she secretly bathes!

On her elbow are the words:California Dreamin ’, a famous hit by the Moms and dads, in 1965 referring to "daydreaming" about California sunshine on a dark winter day.

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - State of California

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – State of California

And here's one of several Bethany Cosentino tattoos that show their pride in being a California girl. There is a silhouette of the state of California on her forearm, colored black.

By doing negative In space you can see the outline of a bear, the state animal of California, who is quite smart!

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos - Left Arm Name

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – Left Arm Name / Greg Chow 2012

On Bethany's left upper arm there are two traditional black contour hearts with banners with the names "Richard" and "Terri Jen". It is believed that these are the names of Bethany's parents.

Bethany Cosentino tattoos - left inner forearm

Bethany Cosentino tattoos – left inner forearm / pinterest

Bethany Cosentino has the name of her beloved cat, "Snacks" written in italics on the inside of her left forearm.

Bethany Cosentino tattoos - red heart in the right wrist

Bethany Cosentino Tattoos – Red Heart in the Right Wrist / Tumblr

Bethany Cosentino also has a small red heart tattoo with a curved line of unknown words on the inside of her right wrist.

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