Ariana Grande Tattoos & Meanings

Ariana Grande Tattoos & Meanings

Ariana Grande tattoos are three of the most romantic tattoos you'll ever see! Discover the meaning of Ariana's romantic Italian and French tattoos now – celebrate love and tenderness! And see the fabulous L.A. called a tattoo artist Romeo – who made it!

Ariana Grande Tattoos – Heart Tattoo on Toes

Ariana Grande tattoos started in a time of great joie de vivre and how could you better remember this first success? The small heart outline on the second toe of Ariana's right foot looks soooo cute together with the baby pink nail polish and a plaster!

Ariana Grande Tattoos - cute little heart tattoo on toes

Ariana Grande Tattoos – cute little heart tattoo on toes

She got this first tattoo in April 2012 when she recorded her first album to remind her of an incredibly exciting time. In addition, one of Ariana's personal favorite songs happens to be: Tattooed heart, also!

At the time, she tweeted the following:

β€œThis year was one of the happiest. , , for me and. , , I wanted to do something special to remember it. , , be young, have fun and be surrounded by love. , , always be grateful. , , like this. , , I have a small tattoo. πŸ™‚ ’

Ariana Grande Tattoos – What does it says on her neck

Fast forward to March 2014 for a quick look at Ariana Grande Tattoos No. 2, also a small and tasty piece of ink art.

This sentence was tattooed by a talented L.A. tat artist just above the neck in the style of a handwritten font Romeo Lacoste, known for his appearances in the third season of Best ink Television show.

Ariana Grande Tattoos - Romeo writes love words on Ariana's neck

Ariana Grande Tattoos – Romeo writes love words on Ariana's neck

Ariana was always a polite young lady and tweeted a thank you message ro, along with an Instagram photo of her freshly colored neck – that not displayed what she had just tattooed there! Grrrrrrr!

Ariana Grande Tattoos - Neck Script Tattoo

Ariana Grande Tattoos – Neck Script Tattoo

After some determined research, we found that the sentence reads as follows: Mille Tendresse

Still not smarter? Well, it's a French term of tenderness that means "a thousand tender caresses". Every time her lover plants a little kiss on the tattooed words on her neck, it symbolizes his desire to continue with a thousand More tender caresses!

Which is one of the most romantic phrases in any Language!

Ariana Grande Tattoos – "Bellissima"

Ariana Grande Tattoos - No. 3 "Bellissima"

Ariana Grande Tattoos – No. 3 "Bellissima"

Around the same time in early 2014, Ariana added another word to the Ariana Grande Tattoos gallery. This is another script tattoo that is pictured on the left side of her chest. And this latest Ariana Grande tattoo is the Italian word for "extremely nice & # 39; Girl or womanBellissima'!

She got this tattoo as a permanent reminder of her Italian grandfather, who, like many other grandfathers, used this compliment often to describe a beloved granddaughter!

You can find more celebrity tattoos on our website

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