Antique Jewelery

Antique Jewelery

Antique jewelry or antique jewelry is jewelry that either comes from an older era or was made after its manufacture and design. Some goldsmiths and jewelers specialize in old antique jewelry.

Classification of the category of antique jewelry

Antique jewelry is jewelry that is usually several centuries old and therefore very expensive. In addition, real antique jewelry is rather rare, as wearing jewelry was only reserved for the nobility in earlier eras. Even so, you can still find beautiful and affordable antique jewelry as many manufacturers and goldsmiths have already specialized in making jewelry with an antique look.

Production and properties

Antique jewelry is usually made from patterns of antiques and existing old traditional jewelry in the antique style, sometimes using ancient craft techniques. These replicas are based on old originals; So every woman can feel like a different time again.

Antique style jewelry is mostly made of old gold and is almost always filled with sparkling stones that are reminiscent of real gemstones. It is available in all variants, be it

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